Friday, October 17, 2008

Words of Wisdom

He who asks a question may be fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever - Tom Connelly

If you have any question, please ask me since you have time to do so :)


capyx said...

I only have one question..I want to know if i could pass the final exam or not???? hehe....please pray for me miss Syaz

Dalila Shairah said...

Salam miss..wish me luck in my exam and I wish u have a nice day..halalkan semua ilmu..

leecooper said...

SALAM.. miss.can u give me some tip to success in the final exam especially BEL120..huhuhuhu

Fiffa Shinizzle said...

pray 4 me miss syaz.. ;D

p/s your cat is sooooo adorable! it reminds me of Tinkerbell in Cats and Dog movie (if im not mistaken).. so cute and plushy! no wonder people want to steal cat! take a good care of your cat miss syaz and urself too..heheh..

Syaz said...

Wishing all of you a very best of luck.Just believe in yourself.I know you can do it.My pray will be with all of you.Good luck.

Zul Fathi a.k.a ZeoMatsuka said...

thnx for everthing miz syaz..